
Creates a record schema.

const Schema = v.record<TKey, TValue, TMessage>(key, value, message);



  • key TKey
  • value TValue
  • message TMessage


With record you can validate the data type of the input and whether the entries matches key and value. If the input is not an object, you can use message to customize the error message.

This schema filters certain entries from the record for security reasons.

This schema marks an entry as optional if it detects that its key is a literal type. The reason for this is that it is not technically possible to detect missing literal keys without restricting the key schema to string, enum and picklist. However, if enum and picklist are used, it is better to use object with entriesFromList because it already covers the needed functionality. This decision also reduces the bundle size of record, because it only needs to check the entries of the input and not any missing keys.



The following examples show how record can be used.

String record schema

Schema to validate a record with strings.

const StringRecordSchema = v.record(
  'An object is required.'

Object record schema

Schema to validate a record of objects.

const ObjectRecordSchema = v.record(v.string(), v.object({ key: v.string() }));

Picklist as key

Schema to validate a record with specific optional keys.

const ProductRecordSchema = v.record(
  v.picklist(['product_a', 'product_b', 'product_c']),

Enum as key

Schema to validate a record with specific optional keys.

enum Products {
  PRODUCT_A = 'product_a',
  PRODUCT_B = 'product_b',
  PRODUCT_C = 'product_c',

const ProductRecordSchema = v.record(v.enum(Products), v.optional(v.number()));

The following APIs can be combined with record.






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