
Creates a raw transformation action.

const Action = v.rawTransform<TInput, TOutput>(action);


  • TInput extends any
  • TOutput extends any


  • action (context: Context<TInput>) => TOutput


With rawTransform you can freely transform and validate the input with a custom action and add issues if necessary.



The following examples show how rawTransform can be used.

Calculate game result

Schema that calculates the total score of a game based on the scores and a multiplier.

This rawTransform validation action adds an issue for points that exceed a certain maximum and forwards it via path to the appropriate nested score.

const GameResultSchema = v.pipe(
    scores: v.array(v.pipe(v.number(), v.integer())),
    multiplier: v.number(),
  v.rawTransform(({ dataset, addIssue, NEVER }) => {
    // Create total variable
    let total = 0;

    // Iterate over scores and check points
    for (let index = 0; index < dataset.value.scores.length; index++) {
      // Calculate points by multiplying score with multiplier
      const score = dataset.value.scores[index];
      const points = score * dataset.value.multiplier;

      // Add issue if points exceed maximum of 1,000 points
      if (points > 1_000) {
            'The score exceeds the maximum allowed value of 1,000 points.',
          path: [
              type: 'object',
              origin: 'value',
              input: dataset.value,
              key: 'scores',
              value: dataset.value.scores,
              type: 'array',
              origin: 'value',
              input: dataset.value.scores,
              key: index,
              value: score,

        // Abort transformation
        return NEVER;

      // Add points to total
      total += points;

    // Add calculated total to dataset
    return { ...dataset.value, total };

The following APIs can be combined with rawTransform.





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  • GitHub profile picture of fabian-hiller


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  • GitHub profile picture of F0rce
  • GitHub profile picture of Unique-Pixels
  • GitHub profile picture of jdgamble555
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