
Flatten the error messages of issues.

const errors = v.flatten<TSchema>(issues);




The error messages of issues without a path that belong to the root of the schema are added to the .root key.

The error messages of Issues with a path that belong to the nested parts of the schema and can be converted to a dot path are added to the .nested key.

Some issue paths, for example for complex data types like Set and Map, have no key or a key that cannot be converted to a dot path. These error messages are added to the .other key.



The following example show how flatten can be used.

const Schema = v.object({
  nested: v.object({
    key: v.string('Value of "nested.key" is missing.'),

const result = v.safeParse(Schema, { nested: {} });

if (result.issues) {
  const flatErrors = v.flatten<typeof Schema>(result.issues);

  // ...

The following APIs can be combined with flatten.



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