
Apart from parse, safeParse and is, I offer some more methods to make working with your schemas easier. In the following I distinguish between schema, object and pipeline methods.

Schema methods

My schema methods either add additional functionality, simplify the handling or help you to use a schema, for example for validation or to extract specific information.

For more information on pipe, see the pipelines guide, for more information on validation methods, see the parse data guide and for more information on flatten, see the issues guide.


If an issue occurs while validating your schema, you can catch it with fallback to return a predefined value instead.

import * as v from 'valibot';

const StringSchema = v.fallback(v.string(), 'hello');
const stringOutput = v.parse(StringSchema, 123); // 'hello'

Object methods

My object methods make it easier for you to work with object schemas. They are strongly oriented towards the functionality of TypeScript.

TypeScript similarities

I offer almost the same options as TypeScript. For example, you can make the values of an object optional with partial or make them required with required and with pick or omit, you can include or exclude certain values of an existing schema.

import * as v from 'valibot';

// TypeScript
type Object1 = Partial<{ key1: string; key2: number }>;

// Valibot
const object1 = v.partial(v.object({ key1: v.string(), key2: v.number() }));

// TypeScript
type Object2 = Pick<Object1, 'key1'>;

// Valibot
const object2 = v.pick(object1, ['key1']);

Pipeline methods

My pipeline methods help you to modify the results of validations and transformations within a pipeline.

For more infos about our pipeline feature, see the pipelines guide.


forward allows you to associate an issue with a nested schema. For example, if you want to check that both password entries in a registration form match, you can use it to forward the issue to the second password field in case of an error. This allows you to display the error message in the correct place.

import * as v from 'valibot';

const RegisterSchema = v.pipe(
    email: v.pipe(
      v.nonEmpty('Please enter your email.'),'The email address is badly formatted.')
    password1: v.pipe(
      v.nonEmpty('Please enter your password.'),
      v.minLength(8, 'Your password must have 8 characters or more.')
    password2: v.string(),
      [['password1'], ['password2']],
      (input) => input.password1 === input.password2,
      'The two passwords do not match.'


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  • GitHub profile picture of fabian-hiller
  • GitHub profile picture of FlorianDevPhynix
  • GitHub profile picture of estubmo
  • GitHub profile picture of Yovach


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  • GitHub profile picture of KATT
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  • GitHub profile picture of ruiaraujo012
  • GitHub profile picture of hyunbinseo
  • GitHub profile picture of F0rce
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  • GitHub profile picture of luckasnix