
Schemas allow you to validate a specific data type. They are similar to type definitions in TypeScript. Besides primitive values like strings and complex values like objects, I also support special cases like literals, unions and custom types.

Primitive values

I support the creation of schemas for any primitive data type. These are immutable values that are stored directly in the stack, unlike objects where only a reference to the heap is stored.

import * as v from 'valibot';

const BigintSchema = v.bigint(); // bigint
const BooleanSchema = v.boolean(); // boolean
const NullSchema = v.null(); // null
const NumberSchema = v.number(); // number
const StringSchema = v.string(); // string
const SymbolSchema = v.symbol(); // symbol
const UndefinedSchema = v.undefined(); // undefined

Complex values

Among complex values I support objects, records, arrays, tuples as well as various other classes.

For objects I provide various methods like pick, omit, partial and required. Learn more about them here.

import * as v from 'valibot';

const ArraySchema = v.array(v.string()); // string[]
const BlobSchema = v.blob(); // Blob
const DateSchema =; // Date
const FileSchema = v.file(); // File
const FunctionSchema = v.function(); // (...args: unknown[]) => unknown
const LooseObjectSchema = v.looseObject({ key: v.string() }); // { key: string }
const LooseTupleSchema = v.looseTuple([v.string(), v.number()]); // [string, number]
const MapSchema =, v.number()); // Map<string, number>
const ObjectSchema = v.object({ key: v.string() }); // { key: string }
const ObjectWithRestSchema = v.objectWithRest({ key: v.string() }, v.null()); // { key: string } & { [key: string]: null }
const PromiseSchema = v.promise(); // Promise<unknown>
const RecordSchema = v.record(v.string(), v.number()); // Record<string, number>
const SetSchema = v.set(v.number()); // Set<number>
const StrictObjectSchema = v.strictObject({ key: v.string() }); // { key: string }
const StrictTupleSchema = v.strictTuple([v.string(), v.number()]); // [string, number]
const TupleSchema = v.tuple([v.string(), v.number()]); // [string, number]
const TupleWithRestSchema = v.tupleWithRest([v.string(), v.number()], v.null()); // [string, number, ...null[]]

Special cases

Beyond primitive and complex values, I also provide schema functions for more special cases.

import * as v from 'valibot';

const AnySchema = v.any(); // any
const CustomSchema = v.custom<`${number}px`>(isPixelString); // `${number}px`
const EnumSchema = v.enum(Direction); // Direction
const InstanceSchema = v.instance(Error); // Error
const LazySchema = v.lazy(() => v.string()); // string
const IntersectSchema = v.intersect([v.string(), v.literal('a')]); // string & 'a'
const LiteralSchema = v.literal('foo'); // 'foo'
const NanSchema = v.nan(); // NaN
const NeverSchema = v.never(); // never
const NonNullableSchema = v.nonNullable(v.nullable(v.string())); // string
const NonNullishSchema = v.nonNullish(v.nullish(v.string())); // string
const NonOptionalSchema = v.nonOptional(v.optional(v.string())); // string
const NullableSchema = v.nullable(v.string()); // string | null
const NullishSchema = v.nullish(v.string()); // string | null | undefined
const OptionalSchema = v.optional(v.string()); // string | undefined
const PicklistSchema = v.picklist(['a', 'b']); // 'a' | 'b'
const UnionSchema = v.union([v.string(), v.number()]); // string | number
const UnknownSchema = v.unknown(); // unknown
const VariantSchema = v.variant('type', [
  v.object({ type: v.literal('a'), foo: v.string() }),
  v.object({ type: v.literal('b'), bar: v.number() }),
]); // { type: 'a'; foo: string } | { type: 'b'; bar: number }
const VoidSchema = v.void(); // void


Thanks to all the contributors who helped make this page better!

  • GitHub profile picture of fabian-hiller
  • GitHub profile picture of morinokami
  • GitHub profile picture of alonidiom
  • GitHub profile picture of yicrotkd
  • GitHub profile picture of gotnoklu


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  • GitHub profile picture of Thanaen
  • GitHub profile picture of KATT
  • GitHub profile picture of osdiab
  • GitHub profile picture of ruiaraujo012
  • GitHub profile picture of hyunbinseo
  • GitHub profile picture of F0rce
  • GitHub profile picture of caegdeveloper
  • GitHub profile picture of luckasnix